Catch Up Reviews

Now it's time for another edition of Catch Up Reviews! I really hate posting reviews after I set the book down months ago, but sometimes life gets in the way. My life gets in the way all the time. Hopefully, this will be the last of Catch Up Reviews, but I can't promise anything...

Title: Ana's Story- A Journey of Hope
Author: Jenna Bush
Rating: 2
Notes: I don't usually read nonfiction novels, but I had to for an English assignment... I think I'll stick with my fiction. In all honesty, this book was depressing and I felt like the sentences weren't well written.

Title: Fahrenheit 451
Author: Ray Bradbury
Rating: 5
Notes: This book was yet another English assignment, except I was enthusiastic to read it. Having my dad as a firefighter, I could somewhat relate to this book, but less than I expected. I love reading dystopians, such as Matched by Ally Condie, so this became another book I was hesitant to put down.

Title: The Scrapbook of Frankie Pratt- A Novel In Pictures
Author: Caroline Preston
Rating: 5
Notes: As it states in the title, The Scrapbook of Frankie Pratt is a legit scrapbook. I don't usually like reading books that are in diary format, but I really enjoyed reading Frankie's scrapbook entries.

Title: Cinder
Author: Marissa Meyer
Rating: 5
Notes: For some odd reason, my latest addiction has been fairy tale remakes. I watch the tv show, Once Upon a Time, and I've read Jackson Pearce's novels, Sisters Red and Sweetly (both on my 'Favorites List'). Now, I can't wait until Scarlet is released!


  1. Fairy tale remakes are pretty popular lately. There is a new one out about snow white from Melissa Lemon I've been thinking about.

  2. The last two fairy tale remakes that I read were not fun reads for me but I really want to give Cinder a try because I keep seeing it every where. XD


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