Book to Movie: Safe Haven

Nicholas Sparks is one of my friends' favorite authors. Name any book of his and she's read it. She was more than excited when The Lucky One became a movie, so when Safe Haven became a movie she was ten times happier. I have The Lucky One waiting on my bookshelf to be read and I was told (actually, demanded) to read Safe Haven. I haven't yet, but now since I've seen the movie, I really should. Like all of Nicholas Sparks' books, the movie Safe Haven was more action than romance that had one of my other friends sobbing (she had read the book as well and knew what was going to happen) even though the movie wasn't sad or tear-wrenching, AT ALL. It was more of a heart-pounding, what-will-happen-next? sort of deal. Anywho, later I came to realize that although the book covers are different...

The movie posters are basically the same...

Well played, film industry. Well played. Either way, if you haven't seen Safe Haven yet I strongly recommend you do. It's not one of those gaggy-lovey-dovey movies that I don't like (sorry if you do). In fact, it's better than one like that. Plus, Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough make it even better. Not because I idol them or anything like that...


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