Waiting on Wednesday (14)

Waiting on Wednesday is a daily meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.  It highlights what newly released books us bloggers are most excited to read. 
Title: There Once Were Stars
Author: Melanie McFarlane
Synopsis (via Goodreads): Peace. Love. Order. Dome. That’s the motto that the Order has given the residents of Dome 1618 to live by. Natalia Greyes is a resident of Dome 1618, a covered city protected from the deadly radiation that has poisoned the world outside for four generations. Nat never questioned the Order, until one day she sees a stranger on the outside of the dome. Now Nat wants answers. Is there life outside the dome and if so, what has the Order been hiding from everyone?
My Thoughts: I need a cover ASAP.  The first thing that gets my attention when it comes to books is the cover, then I have to read the little blurb.  Obviously this time was a little different... This synopsis gives sets the expectation bar pretty high, so I hope the cover is just as intriguing. 

What are you waiting on this week?


  1. I haven't read a dystopian in so long, but this one sounds intriguing!

  2. This sounds like a book I could read for my 2016 Dystopia Reading Challenge :)

    I'm still desperately waiting on 'The Last Star' by Rick Yancey - it's the third installment of the 5th wave series.

  3. This is awesome! Thanks for the shoutout :) Cover release is scheduled for February 19th!


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