Book Review: When Dogs Heal

Title: When Dogs Heal
Author(s): Jesse Freidin, Robert Garofolo, Zach Stafford, Christina Garofalo
Publisher: Zest Books
Rating: 5
Synopsis (via Goodreads): The best medicine may not always be found at a pharmacy or in a doctor's office. Sometimes it comes in the form of a four-legged friend. Three well-known leaders in their fields—award-winning dog photographer Jesse Freidin, adolescent HIV+ specialist Dr. Robert Garofalo, and LGBTQ advocate and journalist Zach Stafford—offer a refreshing, beautiful, and unique portrait of HIV infused with a deep message of hope. Each extraordinary profile shows the power of the incredible bonds between humans and their canine companions, whether that means combating loneliness and stigma, discovering the importance of unconditional love, overcoming addiction, or simply having a best friend in a time of need. When Dogs Heal shares the stories of a diverse set of people who are thriving and celebrating life thanks to the compassion and unconditional love of their dogs. 

Review: *I received this book as an e-ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

I was immediately drawn to this book for two reasons: 1. It features dogs.  2. It's a photography project.  Not only did I use to read "hero dog" stories a lot when I was a child, but I truly believe that photography plays a crucial role in storytelling.  This book is evidence of that.

When Dogs Heal was beautiful, hopeful, and inspiring.  Nearly every story confessed that the unconditional love they receive day in and day out from their pup is what has kept them alive.  I don't know much about HIV other than how you can contract it (unprotected sex and/or shared needles), but the stories within these pages opened my eyes to how much HIV positive people go through.  A cocktail of drugs, depression, isolation, rejection, you name it - the people highlighted in this book have been through it and they have overcome with a dog by their side.

The concept of unconditional love is something that I've been thinking about recently and this book reminded me that I too experience it every day from my own doggo.  Then the Christian in me got to thinking: God loves unconditionally.  Dogs love unconditionally.  God is dog spelled backwards.  God saves, and so many feel as though their dogs saved them (the evidence is in this book alone).  This connection filled my heart with hope and happiness.

We don't deserve dogs, but the world sure is a better place with them.  I'm so thankful that the pups in this book helped lead their people to happier, healthier lives.  I want others with this disease to experience that same freedom.  I want to help break the stigma that clouds this disease.  I want to be a better ally for the LGBTQ+ community.  I want others to know that they are loved, valued, and worthy.  I want others to read this book and learn the stories of these resilient people.

I'm grateful to be one of the first to read it.  

When Dogs Heal is set to be released March 2, 2021.  A portion of the proceeds from this book benefits Fred Says, an organization dedicated to financially supporting HIV+ teen health care.


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