Book Review: Get Over "I Got It"

*I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

I felt like Elayne herself was repeatedly flicking me in the forehead to get my attention as I read this book.  I resonated so much with her words and I know a lot of my strong friends would too.

Get Over "I Got It" came across my Netgalley feed as I was scrolling through the self-help/personal growth section and from the title alone I was sold.  I like to say I'm Wonder Woman (because, duh) but I've learned time and time again I can't do it all and I most definitely can't do it all alone.  I take pride in being an independent woman who "doesn't need a man" and, if you're an enneagram person, I'm a type two - the helper.  The word "no" is not a word I use often, although I am learning to use it more.  Being a helper and being confident in your no are just two concepts that Elayne addresses in this book.

I found this to be a quick read with a lot of wise nuggets mixed in (some of which I've heard before, but it doesn't hurt to hear more than once - hence the 4 leaves rating) with personal experiences and interviews with other confident women.  I'm interested in looking more into Elayne's podcast and would definitely gift this book to friends or even recommend it for a book club read.
Get Over "I Got It" was released May 11, 2021.  It is available to purchase through major retailers, or my personal favorite book distributor, Bookshop.  Buy through Bookshop, support local bookstores!


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