Book Review: She's Too Pretty to Burn

*I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

I should've kept track of how many times I asked myself, "What the nut?" as I was reading this book.

Long story short - it was not my cup of tea.  I didn't connect to any of the characters.  I thought both Mick and Veronica were selfish and rude beaches who never did anything wrong and Nico was well... Nico.  (I don't want to give too much away).  The "installs" made me think of Step Up Revolution (a positive) and the plot in general was very unpredictable (also a positive), it just wasn't what I thought it was going to be.  I didn't vibe with the writing for some reason - if someone could help me figure out why that would be great - and the end was actually wicked disturbing.  A solid quick read though.

Not sure if I would recommend this book... might be a cool tv show though to be honest.
She's Too Pretty to Burn was released March 30, 2021.  It is available to purchase through major retailers, or my personal favorite book distributor, Bookshop.  Buy through Bookshop, support local bookstores!


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